The TA second CD-ROM
We are pleased to announce the availability of a new CD ROM.
The TA galaxy catalogue contains images of nearly 1,000 galaxies
obtained from the master collections of supernova hunters Mark
Armstrong and Tom Boles. Each image has been processed in two
different ways. The "raw" image is a low-contrast version which
avoids saturating the galaxy's core. This allows suspects to be
confirmed near to the galaxy. A "stretched" version burns out
the galaxy core but clearly shows objects to the limit of the
frame. This is more useful for confirming a faint object far from
the galaxy core.
Images are stored in the JPEG format and they can be found easily
since both the raw and stretched images are linked to a web-based
index. This can be accessed using a standard web browser such as
Netscape or Internet Explorer.
Each image is provided with the observer's name and the date of the
exposure. Objects are indexed in NGC, IC, UGC and
MGC sub-categories. The TA galaxy catalogue CD-ROM also includes a
complete set of TA web pages.
Ordering details
The fully-inclusive, post-paid price is
£15 for UK addresses or £16 overseas. Cheques should be drawn
on a London bank and should be made
payable to The Astronomer.
To order, or for further details contact
the Secretary.