The first TA CD-ROM
This CD contains over 400MB of material including:
- The entire TA image archive for Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2).
- The Comet Hyakutake Handbook in both HTML and PDF formats.
- The Comet Hyakutake visual observations database.
- The interim Comet Hale-Bopp TA image archive.
- An archive of TA e-circulars.
- Adobe PDF viewers for all common operating systems.
The disk is designed to be explored using a web browser such as Netscape.
It is mastered to ISO 9660 level 2. This means that
it can be used on any practically any computer system.
Ordering details
The fully-inclusive, post-paid price is
£15 for UK addresses or £16 overseas. Cheques should be drawn
on a London bank and should be made
payable to The Astronomer.
To order, or for further details contact
the Secretary.