Position: 12 32 25.84 +14 20 43.0 (2000.0) 12.8 - [22
The 1995 outburst was first noted by David York, USA, on 1995 April 5.15 when the star was at magnitude 14.9. It brightened rapidly and by April 5.60 was at mag 12.7. This outburst was well recorded.
When in outburst the star shows superhumps. Kato and Nogami reported 0.05 mag humps with a period of 0.05666 +/- 0.00002 day from their observations.
CCD image
1995 April 6 near maximum.
CCD image
1995 May 3 First rapid fade.
CCD image
1995 May 3.93 by Pietz et al.